About Only 1

We create intentional online gatherings of disciples that are excited about seeing others follow Christ.

In 2019, God started speaking to Shane and Lana about doing something more than what they were already doing at Evangel Temple as Production Directors. He started to change their hearts and began to show them a new way in working with online services. They began to see the fruit of online ministry and became confident that the Lord intended to use it for even greater ways.
So, they started to ask the question, “why can’t the church exist online?” The church really doesn’t need a building because we are all called to be the CHURCH. The church does not need to be at a location-centric; I mean God did say to go into all the world and preach the gospel! Today that is easier than ever through online platforms. As Shane and Lana were talking about this together, they started to question what God was trying to speak to them. They started to see a pattern in the way God was wanting to use the online space and felt that He was asking us to do something about it.

He started to show them that this next Generation, Gen Z, is the most connected generation to date. That many of them are not wanting to follow Christ because of the issues that they perceive in the church today. They grew in the conviction that this generation is different than those before it, and that it would take something different to reach them. Out of that conviction they believe the Lord birthed a vision; to plant a church online.
As they brainstormed and dreamed about how this vision could even work, something totally unexpected happened. COVID. COVID came in and forced all churches to go online. Through that time of innovation and experimentation, God showed that we now have the proof of concept that it can work and will work. Now, post pandemic 78% of people said that they would be open to attending services online rather than going to a church building.
We now feel that this is the moment to pursue what God has guided Shane and Lana to do.

We are a Church that exist online to create Christ followers that are passionate.


Passionate about seeing people saved

The purpose of every follower of Christ is to fulfill the great commission.


Passionate about developing a movement

We are called to change the places we are at. We are to be thermostats not thermometers.


Passionate about making influencers

We are called to create more disciples. We are doers not just followers.


Only 1 Church

What we Believe


The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
2 Timothy 3:16-17


We believe Jesus is the Son of God the spotless Lamb that was crucified for our transgressions.
John 3:16

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity and his infilling/baptism is a second subsequent act, for boldness and power.
Luke 24:49
Act 8:12-17

The Nature of Man

We believe Man was created in the likeness of God the Father with a mind spirit and soul. Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve we have a sin nature and we are no longer able to commune with God without having a sin sacrifice for atonement.
Genesis 1:26-27
Romans 5:12-19


We believe that Salvation is having a relationship with Jesus who died on the cross and rose again on the third day.
Luke 24:47
John 3: 3
John 3:16

The Church

We believe the church is the body of believers whose purpose is to spread the saving knowledge or Jesus Christ to the world.
John 3:16
Matthew 28:19-20